Frequently Asked Questions
What time is Sunday Morning worship?
Our Sunday Morning Worship is at 10am
What should I wear to a Sunday morning worship service?
Come as you are. Join us for a worship service and you will see everything from suits and dresses to shorts and t-shirts. All are welcome.
How will I know where to go?
Greeters are available near the front entrance to welcome you and help you find your way. Wayfinding signs are also available as soon as you walk in the main doors to help locate restrooms, worship areas, nursery, children and youth activities, church offices, and more.
Are food or beverages available?
Coffee, tea, water, and cookies are available for free in the Lobby after the morning worship service.
What happens during a worship service?
We open with some announcements and then the congregation is invited (but not required) to sing. Scripture is read and prayers are given, then a message is given from the Pastor or a guest speaker.
Do you offer children’s activities?
How long is a worship service?
The average service time is approximately 60 – 70 minutes.
What do we believe?
Will my family and I be safe?
What is expected of me?
Absolutely nothing. Come as you are and worship with us. There is no obligation to join or give money
What are your church office hours?
Monday – Thursday, 9am – 2pm