Local Outreach Opportunities at Beckwith
Our congregation is involved in our community. If you are wondering how you might be able to get involved with any of the ministries we partner with, please contact the church office at 616-458-0150 or info@beckwithhillscrc.org.
Leonard Terrace Retirement Community Ministry
Pizza, Pop, & A Psalm: About 4 times a year Beckwith Hills Church goes to Leonard Terrace to minister to the residents.

Beckwith Hills Community Playground
In 2022 Beckwith Hills Church partnered with neighborhood organizations to provide a playground for families and children in the neighborhood. Since then, many in the area have enjoyed the playground!

Winter Family Fun Day
The first week of February we have a great wintry morning community gathering with a pancake breakfast followed by a Iditarod race. Kids & adults can race as teams, or individuals. No snow? no problem! We have “sleds” for the race.

Brats & Dogs
The third Saturday in June, July, August, we host a neighborhood cookout. Fun games and bounce house for the kids, playground, food, and a great time of fellowship with the neighborhood.

Trunk Of Fun
Last Saturday in October we host a great time in the fall for kids of all ages to meet neighbors, play games, stock up on fall treats

Christmas Open House
Learn how to make your own wreath with real greens & holiday decor! Crafts for kids, food, fellowship, it’s an open house, so come and go as your schedule allows!